
PrizeOfficial Selection in Build (architecture)
CompanyStudio Saxe
ArtistBenjamín G. Saxe
Design TeamStudio Saxe Design Director: Benjamin G. Saxe , Electromechanical Engineer: CIEM , Structural Engineer: Sotela Alfaro LTD, Builder: Prodeyco , Landscape: Saxe Lanscape , Interior Design: Saxe Interior Design,
ClientSaxe Development Group
CreditElias Porras
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Large planted terraces create Costa Rica’s first vertical garden building that blends nature within a city environment Studio Saxe decided to design and develop its first vertical sustainable building, proving that it is financially viable to create an architecture of value focused on quality of life through large terraces and planting, within the constraints of the local economy. Large terraces protect from the blazing sun at certain times of the day which are combined with parasols that also allow fractured light to seep through and provide temperature control.