Son Mesquida Vell

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architecture
ArtistCristian Santandreu
Design TeamDenise Santandreu, Juan Manzanares, Cristian Santandreu
CreditMaria Calafat

Son Mesquida Vell is a Mallorcan “possessió” located between Manacor and Sant Llorenç that dates of to the second half of the 16th century. Currently the farm consists of 53 hectares and in the northern part is the set of buildings, houses, chapel, cistern, stables and annex buildings. The purpose of the project has been to rehabilitate the houses and keeping all their character and original essence. All the existing paintings and furniture in the house have been reused, incorporating a more contemporary and funny conformation.

Study dedicated to the creation, adaptation, modification and management of architectural and urban spaces in all areas, developing building projects, rehabilitation, interior design, furniture design, installation and ephemeral. A2arquitectos has been awarded with numerous national and international awards, developing projects in Spain and abroad, and our works have been exhibited at the Palais of Tokio at Paris, the Mixed Art Museum of Munich, the modernist site of Sant Pau at Barcelona and the Center of Architecture at New York.