Voodoo Fest Branding Campaign

PrizeOfficial Selection in Illustrate (graphic)
University/SchoolUniversity of North Texas
ArtistChien Lin
CreditPhotographs Courtesy Of Charles Reagan Hackleman.
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Voodoo Fest is a three-day festival in City Park, NOLA that features music, food, art, and fun. I want to capture the vibrant energy from the fest and the mix of styles at NOLA using vivid color combinations and bold and absurd type explorations, as well as string imageries and symbols that allude to Voodooism. The new brand draws from a central concept: Voodoo Possesses Like No Other. The Voodoo Fest is an immersive experience that liberates the soul by possessing you in every aspect while you're there with the magic and charms of New Orleans.

Meah is a UX designer with a visual communication design background. As a curious ambivert, she favors a good question over a convenient answer.