PrizeOfficial Selection in Illustrate (graphic)
CompanyNicole Beltran
ClientSelf-initiated work (personal)
CreditPEACE BY PIECE By Nicky Beltran

In this poster the lines that make up the peace sign are deconstructed to form three (red, white and blue) simple stick figures holding hands at the bottom of the page. This portion of the poster is meant to represent the people of the United States at peace. The distressed look of the poster, however, is meant to represent how this idea of peace is currently under attack. It's meant to speak to the great divide currently plaguing the people of the United States.

Nicky Beltran has worked on a variety of design projects for close to two decades. She’s been employed by companies like Carnival Cruise Lines, RE/MAX Realty and American Printing Arts. She has served as the Senior Graphic Designer for Solomon Snow Advertising, and as Art Director for WWDB Integrated Marketing. Her skills have been utilized by clients such as Whole Foods Market, Downtown Hollywood, Colombian Emeralds International and more. Currently, Nicky is employed as a full-time Professor of Graphic Design at Barry University where she is also Chair of the Fine Arts Department.