Spin Club Tapestry explores cultural memory by embroidering photographs, inspired by the tradition of spin clubs in Northern Germany. Long ago, village women met regularly in "Spinneklumps" (Spin Clubs) to spin wool, embroider, and stitch fabrics for their homes. I imagine their conversations as they worked, the beautiful stories that lifted their spirits, as well as the stories of sadness, sorrow and loss. I connect the present and the past by re-creating and re-imagining pieces of the embroidery. The patterns I have stitched myself into the paper represent fragments of memory.
Bio Astrid Reischwitz is a lens-based artist whose work explores storytelling from a personal perspective. Using keepsakes from family life, old photographs, and storytelling strategies, she builds a visual world of memory, identity, place, and home. Her current focus is the exploration of personal and collective memory influenced by her upbringing in Germany.
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