Musician’s Ad Libitum

PrizeOfficial Selection in Decorate (interior)
ArtistKevin Hsieh
Design TeamYunshuang Lin, Jiajing Lin
CreditTingwen Pan

Coming up with a design style suited for the musician clients involved a continuous flow of ideas and essence in replicating the core concept of music. The designer used the idea of the piano’s black and white colors to create this majestic and modernistic interior. Balanced and relevant color combinations with black and white boost the harmony between work and life, projecting the comfortable essence endlessly. Beautiful intricate lines and edges throughout the interior magnify the rhythm of the space, further amplifying the beauty of combining music and art into a real-life home.

By presenting specific forms in an unobtrusive way, we find a compatible balance between time and space. Through the design approach, we are able to accommodate every type of form and bring a beautiful life through design.