Mixed-use complex in Minsk

PrizeOfficial Selection in Build (architecture)
CompanySergey Skuratov Architects
ArtistSergey Skuratov
Design TeamK.Markus, A.Chalov, M.Arutunyan, E.Gaidukov, I.Lyashenko, A.Neznamov, F.Torgashev, V.Tcindrenco, N.Shumeiko, R.Yacenko.
CreditSergey Skuratov Architects
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Architect`s idea was based on exposition and preservation of view corridors to and from the development directed towards local towering dominant, a neoclassic architectural piece of Soviet era. This new visual line formed the new pedestrian public street, which crosses the territory of residential complex dividing it in two uneven parts. The street has the same orientation as local urban planning regulations prescribe. Half way in the middle of the street there is public square with shallow water pond, main entrances to the shopping area with restaurant.

Work Experience: 43 years Member of Russia`s Union of Architects since 1988 Board Member of Moscow Union of Architects since 1998 Member of CTBUH (Counsel on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, US & Canada) Professor of International Academy of Architecture (IAA) since 2014 Academy Fellow (active member) of International Academy of Architecture (IAA) since 2015 Professor of MARSH (Moscow Architectural School) since 2012 Professor of MAI (Moscow Architectural Institute) from 2000 to 2004