272 Clubhouse- The Grass Trough Clubhouse

PrizeOfficial Selection in Build (architecture)
CompanyAplus Architects
ArtistHoang Kha Vu
Design TeamAplus team
ClientGolf Long Thanh
CreditAplus Architects

The Grass Trough Clubhouse is the story that Aplus Architects wants to convey the message of efforts to find solutions to bring shade to the building to serve people living in tropical climates like Vietnam. The roof form is a one-way structural system that can withstand large spans combined with green troughs to create unique insulation for the Clubhouse block.

Aplus Architects pursues a design philosophy that is sustainable, strongly local, immersed in nature, and inspired by indigenous and environmentally friendly materials. Especially the spirit of “up_cycle”, giving old materials and old space a second life has always been considered the mission of Aplus architects.