Rolling Boil

PrizeOfficial Selection in Shoot (photo/video)
CompanyFoteini Zaglara
ArtistFoteini Zaglara

From the series 'Je est une autre' "In this self-portrait the artist casts herself as the protagonist, though her face is hidden, masked by the veneer of smoke that permeates from her lips. The enigmatic symbolism and absence of any description accentuates the sense of intrigue; what is she depicting? Some aspect of her subconscious? A feeling; memory, or perhaps a dream?"

Foteini Zaglara is a 1995 born (self)-portrait artist from Athens ,Greece. She has studied at the University of Ioannina, in the department of Early Childhood Education.Her work explores concepts of fantasy and surrealism and photography has given her the opportunity to tell stories and to dive deep into the world of emotions.She has distinguished herself in many photography competitions (1st Greece National Award at Sony Photography Awards 2022) and her work has been exhibited in USA and Europe.