The series "Extraordinary about the ordinary" is a reflection on the events in Ukraine since February 24, 2022. Russia launched an armed attack on Ukraine. This leads to daily destruction and victims and provokes many problems not only on a local but also on a global scale. The threat of starvation now becomes a serious danger. My series is a figurative reflection on the value in our lives of simple products that were available, but now may become or have already become unattainable. About timeliness, appreciation and preservation. This is work with basic: food, color and emotion.
Bio I live and work in Kyiv. Studied in the `Kyiv School of Photography` In a year of learning, I developed expertise and discovered a fascinating world of art photography. I was studying aesthetics and composition under the mentorship of a renowned Ukrainian photographer and art expert - Dimitri Bogachyk. Photography for me is one of the ways of self-expression. It is full of freedom to express, create and inspire. It is as a way to capture a moment, embrace it with my vision and evoke deep emotions in the viewers and allow them to feel the harmony within the scene.
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