When you face death in your family, albums full of ancient photographs can tell us a pretty big story. Unfortunately, so many documents and pictures are lost, or old time portraits can even never exist. Today, in the era of digital technologies we have a chance to start creating our own genealogy, make a research of our own identity and history and as a result save it digitally for next generations. The series Primogenitors is a research of a family portrait, where I explore my roots, nation and own identity.
Bio Kate was born in 1989 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2012 graduated from Université d'Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand I, in France, with master's degree in Management. In 2021 obtained a Ph.D. in international economic relations at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economy. Photography has been her hobby since 2010 when she bought her first digital reflex camera. During 2021-2022 she studied at the Kyiv School of Photography. Since 2022 photography has been her main occupation.
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