In this series I’m confronting self-portraits with pictures that I made in nature. By confronting myself with the natural pictures in diptychs an extra dimension is established: surely content-related, but also visually by light and/or color. By juxtaposing two images in diptychs, I’m trying to explore dark, painful and stirring emotional spaces, that comes from grief, loss and my anxiety about the state of the world. These diptychs are about my internal reality and the state of the external world shown in the natural pictures.
Bio Karel Mus is a Belgian artist born in Bruges, living in Aalter. Although he is a self-taught photographer for a long time, he only started showing his work to a bigger public in 2015. He became quickly successful and in a short time he won several awards and participated to several exhibitions. He organizes exhibitions too. Most of his work is inspired by nature. But by moving away from documentary landscape photography, his works leave a lot of room for emotional interpretations. His works are disconnected from location and time, leaving the a lot of room for own interpretation.
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