"What if seas could sink into seas?" The photography is part of my new series "Sunken Seas". The series is a work in progress and comprizes 195 images up to now. The sea as a central metaphor encompasses a pool of possible associations, fantasies and interpretations such as "the unconscious", "the hidden", "the mysterious", "the incomprehensible", "the origin", "the primordial ground", "the vessel", "the container", "the immersion in oneself and in the world" and others the viewer might associate with them. The series can also be seen in my online-gallery by following the link above.
Bio Biografie 1969 geboren in Göppingen 1991 - 2001 Studium der Bildenden Künste an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Düsseldorf, Meisterschüler bei Prof. Jannis Kounellis lebt und arbeitet seit 2002 in München Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl) 2017 "Traumfragmente", Autoren Galerie 1, München 2018 "Traumfragmente II", Autoren Galerie 1, München 2019 "Traumfragmente III", Autoren Galerie 1, München 2020 "Traumbilder – Das Leben ein Traum", werkstatt-galerie, München 2021 "Mythos und Archetyp", Autoren Galerie 1, München 2023 "Versunkene Meere", Autoren Galerie 1, München
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