Out of Time, a Night Walk in Venice

PrizeOfficial Selection in Shoot (photo/video)
CompanyJRLonghi Photographie
ArtistJean-Robert LONGHI
CreditJRLonghi Photo

A series of black and white photographs taken during my walks through the City at night. At night, streets of Venice are deserted. Not only streets but also bridges and canals. It is as if you were alone. And it is as if time was suspended. Which leads to an intense intimacy with the City. I have sought to capture the strong contrasts between shadows and lights. And the reflections that seem to reveal a hidden world. Exploration and discovery is central to the experience of walking through Venice at night. I have tried to translate and share the essence of this unique and magical City.

The creation of images is part of a dynamic of resilience for me. After thirty years of practicing emergency medicine, photography helps me to rebuild myself, to heal. My images reflect the heightened sensitivity that has made my profession as a doctor so painful. But also the one that helps me convey emotions. Black and white is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for me. As well as a language capable of bringing powerful and moving images to life. Each of my images is a moment of something larger.