Fragments 231011 - White, Grey, Brown -

PrizeOfficial Selection in Create (art)
ArtistEri Kato
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All the pieces on the panel are parts of used cardboard boxes. There are many different colors in one color. We recognize colors with our sensitivity. I have made it my purpose as an artist to reconstruct the things which are normally discarded in daily life, and give them new life as art. I mostly utilize discarded materials, such as used cardboard boxes. I get a lot of inspiration from the texture, form, and color of them. I believe in the importance and splendor of the imagination, and also, I believe how art can remind us of the beauty of even the things that have been discarded.

1967 Born in Aichi, Japan 1994 Complete B Semi Schooling System in Kanagawa, Japan 2020-2023,2018-2013,2011 Heart Field Gallery, Aichi, Japan 2023 Biennale Internationale d’art non objectif de la ville de Pont de Clair, Pont de Clair, France 2023 “Let’s live with less plastic”, Virtual art exhibition, Art4you gallery, Dubai 2021 ”Gendaibijutu no saho”, Kyokusho Museum, Gifu, Japan 2020 “Papier Skulptural at VfaKR”, Oberhausen, Germany 2018 EWAAC International Exchange Exhibition, London, England Collections/ Marie de Pont de Claix, France Okazaki Shinkin Bank, Ida branch, Aichi, Japan