Skin Bonbon

PrizeOfficial Selection in Decorate (interior)
CompanyKataru Spatiai.
ArtistChiao-Yun Sun
Design TeamPin Chen,Emily Chang, Vivian Liu

The business owner hoped to contribute to an excellent spatial experience with optimal service and environment in response to a high-end consumer target. The dominant neutral color palettes define the entire space as aesthetic and professional characteristics, as beige symbolizes elegance and gray delivers a calming feel. In addition to coloring materials, the designer considered putting more emphasis on health and safety. Non-toxic glass partitions, and zero formaldehyde modular cabinetry collaboratively accomplish an Eco-friendly approach and functional aesthetics.

We listen, comprehend, and create, speechlessly expressing a spatial language. Four partners from various backgrounds coordinate KATARU SPATIAL with exclusive professions. We have accumulated abundant experience with profound aesthetic cultivation in the human-oriented concept. Incorporated integral space planning, custom furniture designs, and home staging, our team specializes in homes, luxury residences, offices, and commercial spaces, creating ideal spaces for our customers.