OnePlus 9 Pro & Hajime Sorayama <全时空闪银>

PrizeOfficial Selection in Shoot (photo/video)
Design TeamSomei Sun, Yu Ruying, RAY, Shi Min, Jason_MGD, Hongjun, JoJo, Chen Qikun, Chen Pei, Zhao Xiaoxi
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"When I received the answer from Hajime Sorayama, I immediately overturned the cold future thinking of the philosophy department, and realised that we should no longer strengthen her metal coldness, but let her be like a human, with real touch, and put her back in the era when she was born, and shoot a TV commercial from that era." ——Somei, director That's where the original idea of the film came from, and we all agreed that sexiness is the charm that comes out of every gesture, and sometimes it's more attractive to put it in than to put it out.