
PrizeOfficial Selection in Decorate (interior)
CompanyStudio 40
ArtistVladislav Soroka
Design TeamNatalia Petukhova, Julia Galunova, Natalia Nesterova, Mariya Cheglakova, Igor Perevoshchikov
ClientResta Management
CreditPhoto by Natalia Gorbunova
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Design the interior of the restaurant for every day. To identify the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the room. The interior should be calm and stylish. The interior should not be bright. Natural motifs and materials should be present in the interior, because the name of the restaurant is "Forest". The interior is made in a modern style and natural colors. The main finishing materials are wood, stone, metal and plaster. The cement-polymer floor is made using the natural terrazzo technique using local stones. The main decorative accent in the interior is a botanical bas-relief.