Whisper From the Shell

PrizeOfficial Selection in Create (art)
CompanyQinyang Li

This mixed-material collage explores the remnants of a family home. It depicts an abandoned house, where a mirror-shaped outline reveals layered wallpaper, faded photos, and traces of life, symbolizing fractured relationships. The neglected house reflects emotional decay, while the mirror offers a glimpse into a past detached from reality. A shell represents an idealized shelter, echoing memories of a once-happy family. The work invites viewers to navigate between loss and idealization within the ruins of these memories.

Qinyang Li is a multimedia artist currently based in London, UK. She graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2021 and earned her master's degree from the Royal College of Art in 2024. Her work focuses on mixed media installations and prints. She uses patterns, photos, and reconfigured ready-made objects, transforming them between two-dimensional images and three-dimensional installations. Her intent is to gently respond to the non-linear impact of memories and explore the complexity and contradictions between distance and intimacy.