Phantom or astigmatism? - My normal visibility

PrizeOfficial Selection in Create (art)
ArtistMasaaki Toyoyoshi
CreditMasaaki Toyoyoshi
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Is it a hallucination or astigmatism? This question has lingered since the early stages of my vision loss. Due to the progression of glaucoma, I’ve nearly lost sight in my left eye, and the difference in vision between my eyes makes what I see inaccurate. Sometimes I see buildings or people that aren’t actually there, but it’s not entirely random. My view is just slightly different from that of someone with normal vision—a simple distortion or perhaps a mild hallucination. I can’t say which it is. I continue to create these photographs to share my "ordinary" view with you.

Born in 1975. I interested computer in my school days.After graduation,I found a job at Japan System Techniques Co.,Ltd.I worked as a programmeer/application developper.Due the glaucoma,I wanted a leading professional,but I feel I'm at the limit of my ability,retire from company.I recieved instruction by photographer Yukinori Tokoro from 2010.Ever since,I debelop a glaucoma.I had 4 surgeries from 2015, but I had hardly see my left eyes at the present time.Ever since,Started artworks series "MONOCLE VISION".I taked a still photograph of "7 fingered pianist" Gohei Nishikawa.