The project Prana, meaning 'vitality' in Sanskrit, explores transformation and self-discovery. Inspired by Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams, which sees dreams as expressions of repressed desires. However, as my surroundings change, I strive to grow and reach a heightened self-awareness, or 'superego,' where I’m free from concealment. My art frames are a blend of traditional craftsmanship and creative innovation. These frames are re-produced as artistic pieces, designed not just to display art but to become art themselves, they also reflect a harmony between nature and creativity.
Bio I'm Zicong Huang, an illustrator based in the UK and China. I am writing to express my interest in the Concept Artist position at Dark Cloud Games. With my background in Fashion Design and Illustration, my artworks are filled with dark cultures, including Cthulhu and animal imagery of strange creations. I’m also a member of the Dark Art Movement, an emphasis on mysticism and the other world distinguishes my work. I'm also passionate about hand drawing and interdisciplinary design.
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