My work is spontaneous and intuitive, not conceptual. I use the i-Ching, rather than the analytical and often unreliable mind. The upper half of this image shows a ghostly ethereal image of one of my ancestors, perhaps representing the spiritual, subconscious or transcendent. The scratches evoke a sense of hidden threads connecting the visible and invisible realities. The earthly animals, zebras and birds may represent the physical and material world. This is a dialogue between the spiritual and material worlds which I have always wanted to somehow incorporate as one glorious experience.
Bio The world is seen in layers, stacking colors and ideas, shapes and patterns onto each other as if one were walking through their day with blurred vision, not taking in specifics but piecing together various parts and overlapping them, sensing what’s all around us that we often miss when caught in our thoughts. What develops is another realm of existence expressed through tonality, textures and sounds. My composite images attempt to unveil the interaction I experience with all things. It’s photography that evolves organically and intuitively. It's healing through creativity.
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