Zafar jinni

PrizeOfficial Selection in Shoot (photo/video)
ArtistMaho *

Zafar jinni, who was the king of the Muslim jinn, on the day of Ashura (the day when the grandson of the Prophet of Islam was killed in the war with the oppressors) left his wedding ceremony half-finished, removed the royal crown from his head and took off his groom's clothes. Kurd and prepared various clans of jinn with fire weapons and all of them hurriedly moved towards Karbala to help Imam Hussain, but Hussain did not accept his help and said that the affairs of this world should proceed naturally. Children are Make up to play the evil role of "jinns" jinns , made of smokeless fire.

I am Maho* I started my artistic activities in 1999 at the same time as I entered Isfahan Fine Arts Academy. And until 1387, I continued painting along with experimental photography. I currently live in Tehran and pursue my personal projects in photography independently and professionally.