silent neighborhood

PrizeOfficial Selection in Shoot (photo/video)
ArtistMaho *

Man has always been looking for life, even before he could find a word to name it. It has moved on the path of eternity, without knowing it; Built a house, Hunted, Sown seeds, And sewn clothes, And over the years and centuries, the only idea and tool in his hand that has changed. He kept asking, Made, Meet the need And he ran after what he wanted. He has left something behind every time he leaves: Abandoned houses, empty chair, Button buttons! In the path of eternity, man has kept the light on. It's as if he wanted to say, "One day, I was alive here!"

I am Maho* I started my artistic activities in 1999 at the same time as I entered Isfahan Fine Arts Academy. And until 1387, I continued painting along with experimental photography. I currently live in Tehran and pursue my personal projects in photography independently and professionally.