The dreamy magic of the Circus becomes almost abstract
Bio Lives in Umbria,Italy. Engineer. His main interest has been B/W reportage. He coauthored the book “STTL La terra ti sia lieve”. With Luigi Loretoni, he published in 2008 the photographic book “Miserere”, in 2011 “Gubbio, I Ceri” and in 2014 “Kovilj”; he is coauthor of the book “I colori del Jazz”. Also in 2014 he has published, "Boxing Notes". In 2020, he published “Vita e Morte - Rapsodia Messicana” and in 2021 "Passione per lo Sport"; in 2023 "In and out of the ring" and "Metropolitan Fragments". He has been awarded or has been a finalist in many national and international competitions.
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