
PrizeOfficial Selection in Create (art)
ArtistNick Malone
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Opening in the Royal Society of Arts vaults, the exhibition will explore issues of identity, transformation, and artistic journey underpinned by a mystery thriller/artist’s book, The Disappearance of Makepeace – A Tale of Two Lives, supported by Arts Council England: https://www.nickmalone.com/writing The narrative underpins a journey through a succession of the vault’s bays - with images in each bay and QR codes linking guests to related podcasts. The exhibition is supporting a campaign to save the Acme Propeller Factory - the largest remaining long-term studio building of its kind in London

My current work crosses art forms with journeys of transformation, exploring issues of identity, dissolution and change while engaging the viewer on several levels. These ideas developed most recently during an Artist’s Residency awarded by the Eutopia Foundation in Kavala, Greece. The works are underpinned by the narrative of a mystery thriller written with the support of Arts Council England, 'The Disappearance of Makepeace - A Tale of Two Lives’, an artist’s book tracing the relationship of Eustace and Makepeace, from their first childhood meeting to their final encounter.