This is a Story about You - Episode 13 Night Vale Podcast Zine

PrizeHonorable Mention in Illustration - Graphic Design
University/SchoolThe University of Texas At Arlington / The Texas Academy of Figurative Arts
ArtistMeghan Zavitz
Design TeamFor this project I created a zine based off of the podcast Night Vale. It was their episode number thirteen and told a story about a person who came t
CreditNight Vale Podcast

For this project I created a zine based off of the podcast Night Vale. It was their episode number thirteen and told a story about a person who came to Night Vale to escape their life. It was an eerie tale but extremely fascinating. I had to create a package and giveaways for the project. I also included a music box to tie in with the ticking box in the podcast. It was an extremely rewarding experience and I had more fun making this Zine than any other project I have made at the University of Texas at Arlington for Visual Communications.