Spatial drawings

PrizeHonorable Mention in Painting, Honorable Mention in Painting
CompanyEmyr Williams
ArtistEmyr Williams
CreditEmyr Williams

A contemporary take on fresco painting: laying in a ground of acrylic medium and staining into this with Indian ink. The work explores how detail can be created to build certain visual "characters" and phrases which cumulate into unforeseen spatially dynamic works. The evidence of the hand wrought is crucial to their opening out of space as is the role of line which acts as an autonomous structuring device rather than a contour. The works invite close scrutiny as well as having a complexity and visual luxury recognisable from a distance. There is potential to expand them into giant murals.

Abstract painter exploring the relationship between colour, drawing and space. Published author: "Abstract Painting and Abstraction". Extensively published in Art press. Teach occasional classes at Royal Academy. Exhibited globally, award winning, work in numerous public, corporate and private collections worldwide.