Green Space / Forum Groningen

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CompanyMerijn Vrij / Art & Design
ArtistMerijn Vrij
Design TeamMerijn Vrij
ClientThe Forum Groningen
CreditRonnie Zeemering
Video URLView (password=merijn) Green Space by Merijn Vrij At the most iconic and striking place in the Forum: the 35 meters high atrium, 3 green art objects stand side by side with the escalators and the thousands of visitors daily. Green Space is designed and developed especially for this 'indoor landscape' as a green intervention in public space. Ii is making the value of nature and the growing of plants (vegetables, runner beans) visible during the growing season. It brought a welcome healthy living environment and sustainable and exciting green into this public area.

Dedicated In Sutu artist working with locations and landscape with nature as source of inspiration. Merijn Vrij's images are created in and thanks to the presence of the location. The work adds a dimension to the place where it stands and invites experience and inspiration. Vrij makes use of the social and cultural-historical context of the location. Nature is an important source of inspiration. Vrij often uses natural forms and (local) materials partly combined with industrial materials. Searching for wonder and bringing inspiration to the viewer is part of his work.