Tide Hotel

PrizeShortlist in Decorate (interior)
CompanyThe Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art Cot.,Ltd.
ArtistYanming Wu, Xiaoxiong Zheng
Design TeamCongxing Lin, Qianxin Wang, Chengxiang Yu, Sunqing LIu, Xiaozhe Shen
ClientTide Hotel
CreditYanming Wu, Xiaoxiong Zheng
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The original building is a derelict office building in a historic district. The main body of the building was designed to be repaired and multiple terraces were added on the basis of structural safety. The design fuses fashion and traditional culture, splices the inlaid porcelain pieces with mortise and tenon by modern means, and combines elements such as traditional chaoxiu Phoenix totem with contemporary techniques, and applies them to the scene experience, it has become an important carrier to link the traditional and contemporary cultural context.