
PrizeShortlist in Use (product)
CompanyKobi Kor Design
ArtistKobi Kor
CreditNovaSight, Kobi Kor
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CureSight is a powerful solution with great potential to change the treatment of lazy eye condition, with the critical advantage of treatment from the comfort of home and by watching any video content. This solution integrates eye-tracking technology and ai software for intelligent analysis and personalized treatment. The CureSight design process focused on creating a treatment solution that will make a positive social impact and help patients, mostly children, to avoid the discomfort and embarrassment involved in the traditional treatment by the eye patch.

A people person, curious about what makes a person happy and positive, and with this mantra in mind, I always look to achieve significant people-to-product interaction and within the professional activity, my major achievement is to be involved and influence in medical tech projects and to provide better healthcare treatments and happier life in various clinical fields. I have the talent and experience to lead new product projects from vision to reality with great empathy and business understanding.