The project "HUMAN BEING, WHEREVER I AM" explores the cultural, social and political developments of today's everyday life. Its intention is to focus on themes of solidarity, diversity, empathy, belonging to a community, expressed through an immersive, multi-sensory visual approach that will transform the room in experiential space, a universal refuge, offering the public a range of states that capture the current condition of humanity, with the opportunity to participate interactively in it, to do something something together.
Bio Since 2013, Nicole Jutka has been exploring the relationship between light and darkness in the concept "LIGHT PENETRATES DARKNESS", a powerful theme about our existence, a philosophical and spiritual Pandora's box. It uses fluorescent pigments to allow the viewer to enter another dimension, creating a universe of brightness and vivid colour. Each composition transforms according to its surroundings, like a moving image sculpture. With this concept begins the international and itinerant approach in several countries: DARTE GALLERY, NIJNY HRUSKO / SLOVAKIA (2014, SOLO), LÖFFLER MUZEUM; KOSICE /
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