This painting is for the exhibition in the temple. The calligraphy on Fusuma sliding doors is a poem made by Toho, the Chinese poet in 700's. The left one means "Poems are eternal." and the right one means "countries are short lived.". And my motif is tongue. There are many Japanese idioms that use tongues. Almost all meanings are about person's true mind and lie. So, my 3 tongues mean my artwork can keep itself, but the person's mind is easy to change, and humans have end. People are longing for eternal things, but they miss things that are easy to change at the same time.
Bio My works are filled with the movement of fine pencil lines layered on oil paintings, colors, and a unique mixture of images that captivate the viewer's eye. The lines of gold and silver mean the scabs of the heart. They express the strength and beauty of women who can overcome obstacles. My concept had changed from 2021 to 2022. It was prejudice, stereotypes, and stress suffered by women in modern society. But now, it's the strength and beauty of a woman who overcomes these obstacles. From my experiences of business and the relationship, I express the strength of women.
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