Preserved Chaos

PrizeShortlist in Create (art)
University/SchoolArt Center College of Design
ArtistSizhe Wang
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A Photo Plate Printmaking Piece I made with red Chine Colle. A very Unique and Personal memory of snow mountain hiking with a bunch of friends. Our car crashed into the snow and we had a crazy time, yet I look back at these pictures from two years ago, looking so peaceful and memorial, with out tent and us in the back. But then the Red on the snowman reminded me the temperature and how crazy and real that time was. So I wanted to make this moment Archive.

Hi! I am Sizhe Wang from Shanghai, China. Currently studying Illustration in ACCD and graduating in 2025. I love traveling and is inspired by new places, exploring new medias and interpretations to my work. I am open to any work inhouse or freelance!