On 3, 4 and 5 February Catania offers her Patron Saint a celebration so extraordinary that it can only be compared to Holy Week in Seville or Corpus Domini in Cuzco. In those three days the city forgets everything to concentrate on the festival which represents the roots of a people with a mixture of devotion and folklore. A ritual that is experienced every year thanks to a multitude of candles, faces, looks, gestures, voices, passions that are consumed in an uncontainable explosion of faith and civic passion for identity.
Bio Lives in Umbria,Italy. Engineer. His main interest has been B/W reportage. He coauthored the book “STTL La terra ti sia lieve”. With Luigi Loretoni, he published in 2008 the photographic book “Miserere”, in 2011 “Gubbio, I Ceri” and in 2014 “Kovilj”; he is coauthor of the book “I colori del Jazz”. Also in 2014 he has published, "Boxing Notes". In 2020, he published “Vita e Morte - Rapsodia Messicana” and in 2021 "Passione per lo Sport"; in 2023 "In and out of the ring" and "Metropolitan Fragments". He has been awarded or has been a finalist in many national and international competitions.
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