PrizeShortlist in Use (product)
University/SchoolMing Chi University of Technology
ArtistZih-Jin Chen, Prof. Li Kai-Chu
Design TeamChen Zih-Jin, Lin Yu-He, Li Chih-Yun, Wu Yi-Chen, Chuang Chu-An, Prof. Li Kai-Chu
CreditWWW(Emergency Wind Power Communication Device for Home Use)

WWW is an emergency wind power base unit, when there is a disaster such as a typhoon or earthquake that causes a power outage, you can throw the WWW out the window to generate wind power, through the rotating blades of the power, and there is a base station booster on top of it, so that when the nearby network or base station is destroyed, you can search for a farther away network signal to call for help or to go on the Internet. WWW also has a cell phone charging point to charge the cell phone. The hexagonal post supports allow the device to rotate and generate power even if it falls over.