No Footprint Wood House

PrizeShortlist in Build (architecture)
CompanyA-01 (A Company / A Foundation)
ArtistOliver Schütte
Design TeamMarije van Lidth de Jeude, Ronald Carvajal, José Pablo Gonzalez, Misael Rodríguez, Rafael Cañas, Francisco Rodríguez Bejarano, Pablo Mora, José María Torra Castells
CreditA-01 / Fernando Alda
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The No Footprint Wood House is located along the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Its bioclimatic design integrates with the surrounding lush tropical forests and natural habitat. The project combines prefabricated building techniques with regenerative construction materials. It forms part of the multi-award-winning No Footprint House (NFH) series, a modular design toolbox that allows for a broad range of residential typologies according to client budget and needs. The NFH seeks comprehensive sustainability in terms of its socio-economic, environmental and spatial performance.

A-01 is an interdisciplinary network organization for the development of integrally sustainable solutions. In a globally urbanizing society, we work at the borderline of city and countryside or help identifying new synergies among the urban and rural domain. Our work methodology is designed to break the boundaries of a single professional perspective in order to allow for a holistic approach that shapes our products. We envision a long-term impact that involves economic growth, a high quality spatial surrounding, a responsible use of natural resources and an equal social development.