Wedge house

PrizeShortlist in Build (architecture), Finalists in Build (architecture), Shortlist in Build (architecture)
ArtistKiyoshi Sugimoto
Design TeamHideki Miyata,Tomohiro Tatsukawa
ClientMasato Ikuta
CreditPhoto : Hirofumi Imanishi
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Nestled at the foot of Mount Satsuki in Ikeda, Japan, this unique residence seamlessly blends modern design with nature's embrace. A wedge-shaped structure, expanding gradually upwards, minimizes strain on an existing retaining wall. Silver galvanized steel panels cover the east and west walls, supporting cantilevered floors and framing picturesque views. The basement offers tranquil bedrooms, while the first floor features a bathroom and study borrowing the park's greenery. The second-floor living area opens onto a sky terrace, unveiling panoramic vistas of the Osaka Plain.

Born in Osaka in 1973 1999 Graduated from Osaka University of Arts, Department of Architecture 2004 Established First Class Architect Office ?syncstudio