The hotel complex Mövenpick in Montenegro

PrizeShortlist in Build (architecture)
CompanyArchitectural studio Chado
ArtistEvgeny Zadorozhniy Aleksandrovich
Design TeamEvgeny Zadorozhniy (founding partner / senior architect), Karolina Sholokhova (project leader / senior architect), Anna Kochergina (architect), Daniil Zhuravlov (3d artist), Nazar Svetlichnyj (3d artist)
CreditThe hotel complex Mövenpick in Montenegro
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The hotel complex is an organic continuation of the architecture of the restaurant, located on the top of a hill. Buildings of the hotel cascade down, emphasising the geometry of the slope. We sought to retain a plasticity of the hill in its original form, so that the architecture would become a continuation of the mountain range. Everything is made up of simple elements: the concrete slabs laying on the stone piers. The inner space is separated of outer only by the glass walls. It creates an image of chamber grottos, carved into the body of rock. We sought to find exactly that authentic i

Chado - international architectural studio. We work with architectural engineering, landscape design, interior design, interpreting these disciplines as parts of the whole. At the moment, we have experience in architectural project implementation in Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Montenegro, Italy. Our projects were honoured and published in media of different countries around the world. Honesty is the most important thing on which based Chado during project elaborating. This principle reflects in our architecture: it is open and truthful, thoughtful and cautious, i