Rulers and rules

PrizeShortlist in Illustrate (graphic)
CompanyHufax Arts / Fjcu
ArtistFa-Hsiang Hu
Design TeamYun Liu, Phoebe Hu, Woody Hu

Continuing the previous series of ADLINK Education Foundation, we believe that the so-called innovation in various fields is to break the old rules and propose new concepts, while also guiding a new direction for starting again. We also discovered that the regular English letter "R" happens to be similar to the Chinese character “Ruler”. And what they have in common is like an arrow indicator. Such connected words show the best interpretation of "innovation and regeneration".

Fa-Hsiang Hu is a designer, creative director and educator. He is an associate professor of Department of Applied Arts at Fu-Jen Catholic University and also is Director of Taiwan Graphic Design Association / Director of GDA-ROC Association / Director of Taiwan Posters Design Association and Executive Creative Director of Hufax arts.