Waterscape Office / co-lab gotanda with JPRE

PrizeShortlist in Decorate (interior)
Artistmoriyuki ochiai
Design TeamDesign: Moriyuki Ochiai Architects (Moriyuki Ochiai, Jun Ueda)__Creative direction: Harumaki project__Constructor: Aslego, Obayashi corporation__Special Paint: Osamu Yamaguchi__Furniture: Hiro & associe__Photo: Daisuke Shima
ClientJapan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd.
CreditDaisuke Shima
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-Transient waves of light - We designed shared office spaces. Inspired by traditional Japanese craftsmanship’s techniques for making kimonos using a single piece of cloth, here, a single aluminum sheet is spread across the entire ceiling and fills the space with waves full of vitality, like that of the sunlight shining on the surface of the paddy fields of yesteryear. The overlapping metallic waves create areas of different heights and expanses of space that change freely, just as water flows in a lively and reactive manner, thus suffusing the area with the necessary functions and atmosphere.

www.moriyukiochiai.com, info@moriyukiochiai.com, Moriyuki Ochiai, born in Tokyo, Japan is an architect and designer. He established his own studio, Moriyuki Ochiai Architects that is active in architectural, interior, furniture,landscape and industrial design. Our designs have recieved numerous awards : iF Design Award Gold prize(Germany),red dot award(Germany),Architecture Master Prize (USA) ,German Design Award, INTERIOR DESIGN Best of Year Award (U.S.A), Archdaily Building of the Year (USA),Restaurant & Bar Design Awards (UK),SBID International Award(UK), A' Design Award (Italy)