
PrizeFinalists in Shoot (photo/video), Shortlist in Shoot (photo/video)
ArtistCarine Van Gerven
Design TeamCarine Van Gerven, Philomene Reynders
CreditCarine Van Gerven
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This picture shows a view of the harsh reality in today’s world in which polarisation and manipulation are central. At the top of the picture sits a powerful figure, recognisable by his symbolic red-blue ribbon. His pierced look shows superiority, while he keeps the strings of the puppet representing the people subtly tight in his hands. He has divided his subjects in two groups : red and blue, of which one group is privileged by him so they will never turn against him together. Around him other rulers are gathering. They are dividing money and power. www.carinevangerven.be

Carine Van Gerven, official FEP art photographer from Belgium, takes inspiration from 17th century paintings, like Rembrandt. Carine Van Gerven (b. 1966) studied art and painting. Connecting people through art and creating projects is one of her goals. After her graduation, she became an art teacher in a secondary art school in Overpelt, Belgium. As an artist, she organised several projects and participated in many exhibitions in Belgium and France. Her works were exhibited in Arles, Saint-Tropez and Belgrade.