PrizeShortlist in Shoot (photo/video)
CompanyPetra Gerwers
ArtistPetra Gerwers
Credit"The napalm girl" Kim Phuc and the AP photographer Nick Ut
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This is a photo project that deals with 25 lifestyles or their reflection of "time travelers". The focus of the project is firstly on present-day portraits, each accompanied secondly by a photograph of the person as a child and thirdly by a handwritten letter to the child. - The "time travelers" imagine what they would say to the child (who they once were) if they had the chance to meet him/her then as today's adults, and write it in this letter. - The portrait: What place/event was/is seminal/changing/powerful for the participants? These are reflected in a disc in front of them in the photo

"Petra Gerwers has felt already at an early age that the medium of photography can offer her something quite extraordinary: a direct dialogue with the world around her without having to subordinate what she sees to a conceptual logic. Trusting in an intuitive perception, she develops a very personal, subjective visual language in various photographic projects... Communication forms the central motif of what she does, and this is also the basis for her photography project "Time Travelers," in which she gives people a platform, a voice and visibility..."(Wolfgang Zurborn)