For over six years, I was welcomed into the Irish Traveller community while I photographed, built friendships, and learned about this unique group of people. MIS[S]UNDERSTOOD looks at the population as a whole but mainly focuses on the role of females within the culture. Capturing the pride and tenacity of this marginalized community and the daily life struggles and discrimination that the Irish Traveller people endure in Ireland I bring humanity to these resilient, strong, beautiful females. They are not a mere spectacle but an art form that has been going on for centuries in their culture.
Bio I am a visual storyteller. I give voice to marginalized communities and witness to the human experience. My work celebrates the individual’s strength and beauty, as well as their vulnerability and spirit. I believe the visual image creates a lasting impression of emotion, curiosity, love, and ultimately hope and humanity. Photographs illustrate life in a way that words cannot. What is important to me in my work is the way my understanding of people and the world deepens. I hope my work inspires others to see that we all matter and to care more profoundly.
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