Yin & Yang

PrizeShortlist in Use (product)
CompanyEleonora Federici Jewelry
ArtistEleonora Federici
Design TeamEleonora Federici
ClientGioielleria Marinone s.n.c.
CreditDiego Chiarlo
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This ring is inspired by the Yin&Yang concept,which represents two opposing forces that brought order to the universe from chaos.It embodies the seemingly incompatible ideas of harmony and contrast.The key element that unifies these aspects and gives the ring its unique identity is movement,carefully studied and balanced to completely redefine the classical "bypass ring". The intentional use of pearls,created by living organisms,symbolizes both the harmony that different species or races can achieve and the inherent duality within every soul, with the hope that the dark side is always smaller.

Eleonora is a gemologist graduated from one of the most prestigious institutes in Europe, the Istituto Gemmologico Italiano. She also holds a degree in Art History. That is why she finds inspiration in gemstones, Art and Nature. As a wax carving sculptor with bench jeweler skills, she is not only involved in the design process but also oversees the production of each jewelry piece from conception to completion. She believes that a piece of jewelry must be a wearable piece of art, unique and inimitable. That earned her recognition in the form of several prestigious international design awards.