Flexible insulin pen needle

PrizeShortlist in Use (product), Finalists in Use (product)
University/SchoolArt University of Isfahan
ArtistFatemeh Mohagheghian
Design TeamFatemeh Mohagheghian , Sarah Sadat Mirhadi , Hossein Maleki Rizi
Creditfatemeh mohagheghian
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My mother helps my father with insulin injections, but she often hurts herself with the needle or it breaks. Insulin pen needles are meant to be disposable, but due to cost and environmental concerns, practitioners suggest using them up to five times. After each use, the inner cap should be closed to protect the needle, which can lead to injuries. The first design combined a spring with a movable cap to reduce hand interference. Later models used flexible materials for retraction. The latest design includes a cap for full needle protection, ensuring safety and sanitation.