No limit…Homo Algorithmus

PrizeShortlist in Installation Art
ArtistAMARGER Brigitte
CreditBrigitte Amarger
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New technologies want to connect the textile to the body in an intimate relationship where the digital man will have more capacities. Medical imagery shows us the interior of bodies already invaded by prosthesis, metallic implants or bio active and compatible textiles, related to medical treatments. Man is becoming one with technology and connected clothing is part of him. This work is about the passages and the borders of today and that of tomorrow, through the human body, its natural and future anatomy, the artificial intelligence and the increased human being: H +... No limit?

AMARGER is working predominantly with medical imagery and new technologies, in large-scale installations, playing with the aesthetic factors of transparency and reflection. Her work unquestionably fashion a reflection about human, its place in society, universe and nature. She has a deep-rooted interest for the scientific and medical world and is best known for large-scale X Rays installations and discarded materials artworks. Sensitive to ecological issues, she finds in her artistic practice a symbolic double direction:create artworks by recycling discarded materials and with no waste