The Top Graphic Designers from the London International Creative Competition


In order to hook in a client and make your product pop, good graphic design is a necessity. Whether through illustration, digital art, or photography, a strong aesthetic vision goes hand in hand with a good product. Without this necessary component, a truly special product can be totally ignored. See the top graphic designs from the 2023 LICC winners below and how they were able to elevate their products and ideas!

Keep on Walking by Fa-Hsiang Hu

In this advertisement for socks, illustrator Fa-Hsiang Hu takes a creative approach. By creating a cityscape in the shape of the sock, their design shows the integrity and strength of the product.

Fudo Labo Collection by Hajime Tsushima

Created for a Japanese sake brewery, Tsushima is able to blend contemporary art with a traditional product. The beautiful modern design is able to elevate a simple drink to a work of art.

Limoncito Magazine by Jessica Martinez

In this prototype for her magazine, Martinez blends Mexican design aesthetic with food. Her use of color and pattern pops and creates a unique style unlike other magazines.

Cover Design Of Textbooks—School of Art Design and Media, ECUST by Ziyin Qu

In this design for a 5 volume textbook, Ziyin Qu creates a seamless design of buildings. Not only does this help to create a cohesive design, it also mirrors the layout of the college the textbook is made for.

2024 Tamdhu Year of the Dragon by Kyo Chen

Created for the Chinese year of the dragon, this bottle design is traditional yet new. It adheres to classic representation of the Chinese dragon with modern elements.

SinkinSync by Xin Feng

This graphic design for VR blends all the ideas of the product with what the consumer desires. By creating this futuristic design, Xin Feng represents what people want from VR, futuristic technology in the present.

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