“Pare”, having a circular plan, was designed as an alternative to the existing service trays. Available for serving both as a unified whole with layered identity and a separate whole with demountable parts. Offering visual, entertaining and functional usage alternatives, "Pare" interacts with the user while making itself noticeable in the space.
Zift Design is an Istanbul based multidisciplinary design studio creating interiors, furniture, and accessories. Founded in 2009 by Lütfi Büyüktopbas, the studio submitted many modern projects and participated in many national and international organizations, fairs, and competitions. Zift Design was also awarded prizes in many of these design platforms. Büyüktopbas also participated in interior design teaching as a part-time instructor, which led the interior designer and academic Dr. Atlihan Onat Karacali to join the Zift Design team in 2018.
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