From the Windows

ArtistVincent Dupont-Blackshaw
CreditVincent Dupont-Blackshaw
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As our freedom to physically experience the outside world is curtailed, this relationship we have with the humble window has never felt more prominent than it does today. Focused on the opportunity the window provides to the viewer and its importance as a source of light, this series explores how the light becomes an opening to the outside world through scenes taken from around the world: Bondi Beach, the Isle Of Wight, Majorca, Melbourne,New York, Toronto. The window represents a call to travel metaphorically, a promise of somewhere else.

Vincent Dupont-Blackshaw has been working as a professional photographer for the past three years. Trained in the arts, he lives between London and the Isle of Wight. His work takes him across the world, seeking stories of new places to share with his audience. From these travels he brings back unique memories of the moments he captures. “I look for moments that are quietly unique. Often an isolated thing or person in an environment that on first glance is ordinary but on second glance tells a subtle story."